Monday, September 7, 2020

Arc Of A Journey


w/ Broadcast, The Zodiac, The Chocolate Watchband, Ennio Morricone, The United States Of America, Stu Phillips, Bruno Nicolai, Basil Kirchin, Elephant's Memory, Nino Nardini, Springfield Rifle, Gruppo Di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza;, The Greek Fountains, Piero Umiliani, Raymond Scott, Fred Weinberg, Hal Blaine, more - complete tracklist to come

Attends Ou Va-t'en


w/ Belbury Poly, Vanishing Twin, White Noise, Claude Perraudin, The United States Of America, France Gall, Jane Weaver, Stereolab, Death And Vanilla, Os Mutantes, Ash Ra Tempel, Ian Neal, The Focus Group, Cavern Of Anti-Matter, Broadcast, Imitation Electric Piano, Pram, Arthur Verocai, Christophe, Roedelius, Stringtronics, Vangelis, Brigitte Bardot, The Memory Band, Robert Julian Horky, Seeland & The Advisory Circle, Suzanne Doucet, Modular, Merit Hemmingson, Pierre Arvay, Moon Wiring Club, James Asher, Lallo Gori, + more

Step Beyond


w/ Beautify Junkyards, Vanishing Twin, Stereolab, Cavern Of Anti-Matter, Kaleidoscope, Toby Twirl, The Greg Foat Group, Adrian Younge, David Axelrod, Jack Arel, The Superimposers, Amon Duul II, Novi Singers, Peter Thomas Sound Orchester, Syd Dale, Pierre Cavalli, Neal Hefti, Paul Mauriat, Peaking Lights, Freedom Power, Mariah, Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble, Bob James, Novi Singers, Catharsis, Claude Perraudin, Piero Piccioni, The Pawnshop, Le Systeme Crapoutchik, Christophe, L'augmentation, Spratleys Japs, April March & Aquaserge, + more (tracklist to come)

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Dreamer Flies Back


1. Inside Luckmoore (Cavern Of Anti-Matter)
2. Shonen (Mariah)
3. Telegraph Is Calling (The Pawnshop)
4. Death Dies (Goblin)
5. The Dreamer Flies Back (Forever Amber)
6. O Relogio (Os Mutantes)
7. Winter Rhombic/The Dress Perspective (Cavern Of Anti-Matter)
8. Jaune (Philippe Besombes)
9. Un Noel 67 (Serge Gainsbourg)
10. Al-Vida (Sohail Rana)
11. Batterie Field (Pierre Raph)
12. My Shade (The Pawnshop)
13. Er Is Geen Reden (Dany Martin)
14. L'alibi (Shake No 1) (Ennio Morricone)
15. Rose (Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra)
16. Walking In The Dark (Stefano Torossi)
17. Pop Medievale (Narassa & Zanagoria)
18. Profil Interne (Jean-Jacques Perrey)
19. Melancholy Moog (John Fiddy & Norman Candler)
20. Ramps Walk (Operatingtheatre)
21. ZinZan's Avec Moi (Cavern Of Anti-Matter)
22. Wide Open Space Motion (Klaus Weiss)
23. Neuschnee (Neu!)
24. Modern Kosmology (Jane Weaver)
25. Monstre Sacre (Lake Ruth & Listening Center)
26. Wander (Seeland)
27. I-Man Transport (Dymaxion)
28. The Outsider (The Soundcarriers)
29. Le Premier Bonheur Du Jour (Os Mutantes)
30. L'Ultimo (Ennio Morricone)

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Lightning Back

(Compiled and posted from 40,000 feet)
w/ Jane Weaver, Can, Egg, Gwenno, Cybotron, Moon Wiring Club, Cavern Of Anti Matter, Soft Machine, Eno Moebius & Roedelius, Hawkwind, Stereolab, Broadcast, Fenella, Mordy Laye & The Group Modular, Gila, Dieter Moebius, Hatfield & The North, Magnetic Systems, Hans Joachim Roedelius, Faust, Harmonia, Goblin, Gilbert Deflez, + more

This show really was compiled/created from 40,000 on a flight from Florida to Oakland. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ballet Dans L'Espace

A library music mix.

Library etc. tracks w/ Claude Perraudin, I Gres, Fabio Fabor, Dominique Guiot, Alan Hawkshaw, Brian Bennett, Yan Tregger & Pierre Devevey, Geoff Bastow, Vic Flick, Jacky Giordano, Astral Sounds, Magnetic Systems, Mario Molino, Janko Nilovic, Joy Unlimited, Jean Pierre Decerf, Francis Monkman, Frank McDonald & Terry Devine-King, Milan Pilar Group, Brian Dee, Andrew Jackman, Oscar Rocchi, Julian Nott, William Gum-Boot & Lawrence Wiffin, + many more.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Morricone Mix

In tribute to the maestro, who recently passed away, I created a mix of some of my favorite Morricone tracks.  It leans a bit into the ethereal / dreamy (because of course it does), but hopefully someone will find it as enjoyable as I do.  (My favorite Morricone soundtrack, incidentally, is Citta Violenta - Violent City in the US - which has an amazing soundtrack and is actually a pretty good movie.)

Glasshouse Green Splinter Red

w/ The Smoke, The Groop, The Soundcarriers, Dino, Desi & Billy, Sunshine Company, Quarteto Em Cy, Fairport Convention, Broadcast, The Kinsmen, The Superimposers, Stereolab, Chocolate Watchband, 50 Foot Hose, Death And Vanilla, France Gall, The United States Of America, Modular, West Coast Consortium, The Left Banke, The High Llamas, The Dragons, Sonny Bono, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Doug Randle, The Pawnshop, Executive, The New Wave, +

Little Dreams

w/ The Smoke, Scott Walker, The Dragons, Stereolab, Comus, The Groop, Egg, Honey Ltd., Zombies, Rodriguez, The High Llamas, Jane Weaver, The New Wave, Lee Hazlewood, Peter Pan & The Good Fairies, Doug Randle, We All Together, American Breed, The Castaways, The Id, The Painted Ship. Moody Blues, Heaven & Earth, Zacherias & The Tree People, Monade, Egg, BJ Ward. Joe & Bing, + more

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Reality From Dream

w/ Ennio Morricone, Carole Lombard, Stelvio Cipriani, The Advisory Circle w/ Hong Kong In The 60s, Jorge Ben, Vladimir Cosma, The High Llamas, Death And Vanilla, Stereolab, Alain Goraguer, April March & Aquaserge, Roundhouse, The New Lines, Lake Ruth, + much more - dreamy, library, OST / funk, experimental pop, much more!
Rest in peace Maestro Ennio Morricone

Saturday, July 18, 2020

In Bright Axiom / An Experience

In Bright Axiom

This post will be unusual for this blog, but still, I think, of interest.

Note: In the past few months, I met an amazing woman and we got married. I have meant to post one final entry on the saga of The Mission, which is still in the works; between getting married and being in the process of moving to the Bay Area of CA from FL, I have been a bit busy. Excuse the messiness of this post - I'm writing it as I am in the middle of moving.


Around 2008, an acquaintance posted images of strange flyers that were found in San Francisco that belonged to something called The Jejune Institute, which they thought would be of interest to me as at that time I was into the TV show Lost, and one of the things I loved about that show was the DHARMA Initiative, a weird science cult that was revealed through bizarre films (I, of course, love degraded media and strange 60s/70s cults). From that I followed the trail to the Unfiction forums, which were centered around things which included what would later be termed "ARGs," or alternate reality games (which Lost also created between seasons). I lived in FL and then PA at that time, so I was nowhere near San Fran and Oakland, but I was pretty caught up in what was going on and the mythology that began to emerge from what I later found out was called the Games of Nonchalance, which has its own fascinating and quite engrossing mythology about the Jejune Institute and the Elsewhere Society, complete with extremely fascinating audio (which I have sampled for my own musical experiments in the past) and some wildly fantastic and incredible art.  The whole venture played out until around 2011, with a climactic event that signaled the end of the Games, though with promise of a possible future experience on the horizon.

The mood, mythology, and especially the art and music that was part of this experience veered very much into the realm of hauntology.

In 2014, a wonderful documentary (which, to be fair, included some moments that blurred the reality of things in a beguiling way) premiered called The Institute.  At the end of that, there was a strange logo for something called The Latitude Society.

I didn't know much about that - I read some things here and there, but I wasn't able to follow along like I had been with the Games of Nonchalance.  I was aware that the same people who ran that one were running this one.  It sounded very different - it seemed to be purposely leaning into the secret society aspect of things and was far more mysterious.  I was intrigued, but because the way my life was at that time along with less info online, I didn't know much about it.  But the Games of Nonchalance always sort of stuck with me and would pop into my head every now and then.

More recently, I was made aware of a new ARG around the fall of 2019 which was rumored to be connected to Nonchalance or an extension of the old Jejune Institute stuff.  The New Noology Network, it was called. I was just getting out of a relationship and didn't have a lot to do, so I followed along pretty closely and participated, even making videos when the game asked. It came to be known that it was connected to a new TV series that seemed to be based on the old Institute / Games called Dispatches From Elsewhere (which had been the title of the Commander 14 radio broadcasts from the Games of Nonchalance back in 2008).  The show premiered in early 2020, just as the COVID crisis and lockdown went into effect, so I was able to obsess over it, even participating in online groups and Tweetalongs of the show, even interacting with some of the shows stars and participating in some YouTube post-show reviews by some somewhat prominent pop culture review channels. I was super into it.

I became aware at some point that there was another documentary about The Latitude Society.  I wasn't sure the status of its release due to the pandemic.

(Sidebar: I haven't written much about my health issues here, but two years ago I was diagnosed with MS. There have been some scary moments along the way, but all seems to be well at the moment.  Hopefully it will just be a chronic condition that is manageable.  So, enough about that.)

On a whim, I sent the creator of the Games of Nonchalance and The Latitude Society, Jeff Hull, who Jason Segel referred to as "a Willy Wonka type figure," an email.  I told him what following along with what he has done has meant to me and how I've felt inspired by it and asked him if it would be possible for me to see In Bright Axiom from my home.  To my surprise, he answered, sending me a link and a secret password.

The documentary is amazing.  It was just released for the public and is available for streaming on iTunes and elsewhere.  I would recommend going here for links as well as an interesting possible way to participate and become a part of the experience.

Here is my review of the film that I posted on iTunes (written, to be fair, in the middle of the night when I had a chance to sit down to write something, so forgive the messiness and slight stream of consciousness of it all):

"This is a wondrous film that blends a documentary about a social experiment in awe and wonder using the guise of a "secret society" and narrative filmic elements that flesh out the world contained within the social experiment/game - with both coming crashing together at one climactic point in an actually quite beautiful and moving way. The documentary side explores a new "urban playground" social game started by the masterminds behind The Games of Nonchalance (see the doc/film "The Institute," also wonderful and a must-see) called The Latitude Society. This "game" is a spiritual successor to the prior Games, but it is really quite different - while still built on the premise of helping people realize the awe and wonder around them, be it in art or nature or just assisting a player/inductee in seeing the world through a new prism, it is built much more around the idea of a society (which begins with much in common with a secret society or a "cult") which is a bit more of a lone experience for players while still providing ways for interactive events if an inductee so chooses to participate in which allowed them to interface with each other - which is also part of where things began to go wrong. The doc/film goes into what happened with Latitude and why the experience / experiment ended, including the perspectives of the people who joined and lived this experience as well as those who created it. It's quite fascinating to see how this was all put together, the mindset of those involved, what it took to run such an endeavor, and how the social experiment was built and managed and eventually broken down. The more filmic / narrative elements are quite good, with incredible visuals and a story that gets into the mythology behind the Latitude Society and, as I wrote before, the two sides of the film meet in a very satisfying way. The musical and sound elements of this film are wonderful, especially how it all comes together over the closing credits. Highly recommended just as an interesting, engrossing, wonderfully strange film - as well as a very good documentary...a mood piece, a psychological/sociological curiosity..."

I think that is a decent review of the film itself.  I can't recommend it enough - one does not need to be familiar with what came before or anything surrounding it to enjoy it - it stands alone as its own thing, an extremely fascinating and gripping story of how an art project based in providing awe and wonder / secret society / social experiment was created, experienced by the people participating, and how it was put together and run by the people who created it and how the who thing eventually fell apart (but, I'd argue, fell apart in a somewhat frustrating but kind of beautiful way), with closure to the story and experience provided by the film.

In the past few months, I met a wonderful woman, flew across the country to be together, fell madly in love, got married, and am now finalizing my move to be with her.  By chance, she lives in the Bay Area, in Oakland, and grew up in San Francisco.

My personal connection to this...

By chance, as I wrote above, I met and fell in love with someone from the Bay Area.  She was vaguely aware of the Games from the earlier 2000s, and we watched The Institute together.  When I went there and we got married and I spent time with her in Oakland and San Francisco, I was still in light communication with Mr Hull and just decided to let him know I was in the area.  He got in touch with me and proposed some sort of meeting.  After my wedding and all, we made plans to meet at Fairyland, which is walking distance from my new home in Oakland (and also plays a part in the mythology of Mr Hull's life and therefore Nonchalance). My wife, who is familiar with the whole thing, came along with me as I am still new to the area.

Before I went to the park, Mr Hull emailed me an orientation email:

I went to the park, and searched for the envelope. It was, as stated, not too hard to locate.

The secret envelope and its contents:

I did as it said.  On the bandstand was a family playing.  My wife was next to me and wanted to time how long I stood there with the blindfold on at three minutes.  I felt a little self conscious, but I took a breath and put the blindfold on and stood on the bandstand.

After a moment, there was the sound of children playing, particularly the sound of a young girl.  I could see nothing.  After a moment, there was a faint sound of music, playing Satie's "Gymnopedie No. 1," which has significance to the Games of Nonchalance story of Eva (it's sort of her theme), but which just happens to have a significance to me that dates back to my childhood as well.  The song got louder, interspersed within the sounds of the music were the sounds of a laughing, happily playing child.  This went on for three minutes.  There was a nice breeze.  The sounds of the people picnicking in the park sort of faded out as I focused on the music.  I closed my eyes within the blindfold.  At one point I heard the sound of my wife softly tell me there was a minute left.  I honestly felt at ease, calm and somewhat transported.  The music ended, the sounds of the world around me faded back in, and my wife softly told me it was okay to take the blind fold off.  At this point, if this was all there was to this experience, I would be happy.  I felt like I'd had a short meditative experience.  It was not at all what I was expecting when I had been asked a few weeks earlier to meet.

I looked at my wife and she too looked like she'd had a bit of an experience, though she still hasn't been able to tell me what it was. (All she could tell me was "Eva was here." I understood.)  She presented me with a box.

I hesitate to post all of what was in this box. It feels a little bit personal to me. Maybe I will follow up and post photos at some point.  Most importantly, Jeff Hull gave me a beautiful experience that also served as a pretty incredible welcome to the neighborhood.

A photo of me at Fairyland with my magical box:

My wife and I at Fairyland following this experience:

(This got a bit more personal than I might have expected and definitely more so than my usual posts here.)

I'd recommend checking out the Nonchalance site in general, but especially for In Bright Axiom and The Latitude Society.  I would also recommend checking out the page on The Jejune Institute, and for musical content, the gentleman who did a lot of the audio for Jejune / Nonchalance and Latitude has a Bandcamp page for his music, a lot of which is quite good and interesting. Also very much worth checking out is this broadcast from the original game, which is just straight up a fun listen and incredibly sample-worthy if you're into that sort of thing. There's also quite a bit of writing on the Institute if you want to read about the experience, such as here (this is quite long but exceedingly well written and worth the time) and here. For some reading on Latitude Society, I'd recommend here and here. The Nonchalance Twitter is also worth a look and follow.  And above all, go watch In Bright Axiom (and The Institute)!

I am on Twitter here.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Divino, Maravilhoso

w/ Can, Neu!, Gong, Faust, Krzysztof Komeda, Serge Gainsbourg, Shuggie Otis, Chico Buarque, Wanderlea, Gal Costa, Joao Donato, Gil Scott-Heron, The Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra, John Barry, Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Marcus Belgrave, Alain Goraguer, Oronzo De Filipe, Piero Piccioni, Sun Ra, Eden Ahbez, Jean-Claude Vannier, Don Cherry, more

Twisted Nerve

w/ Lalo Schifrin, Stanley Myers, Henry Mancini, The Walker Brothers, Hugo Montenegro, Ennio Morricone, The Zombies, Peppino De Luca, Jerry Goldsmith, Cilla Black, John Barry, Roy Budd, Michel Legrand, more

A mix of soundtrack music, from OST music to songs created by artists such as The Zombies and The Walker Brothers for film. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Modern Expressions

(w/ David Axelrod, Lake Ruth, Hildegard Knef, Stereolab, Modern Sound Quartet, High Llamas, SImon Park, The New Lines, Mariah, Serge Gainsbourg, Karin Krog, Fourth Sensation, Claude Perraudin, Chameleon, Roedelius, Piero Montanari, M.A BEAT!, Pasquale Castiglione, Oscar Rocchi & Tullio de Piscopo, more)

Last Cloud Home

(w/ Strawberry Alarm Clock, Klaatu, Tages, Roger Nichols Trio, West Coast Branch, Peanut Butter Conspiracy, Philamore Lincoln, Zodiac Cosmic Sounds, Le Système Crapoutchik, Orange Bicycle, The Free Design, The Mission, Atomic Forest, National Gallery, Ultimate Spinach, Sound Vendor, Hugo Montenegro, Egg, Giles Giles & Fripp, Dave Christie, Out Of Focus, Legay, Peter Pan & The Good Fairies, The Poppy Family, Aphrodite's Child, Early Times, more)

Sunday, June 14, 2020


(w/ Can, CA Quintet, John Cale, Stereolab, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Spoils Of War, The Superimposers, Principal Edward's Magic Theatre, Avengers, Birmingham Sunday, Jane Weaver, The Smoke, Jane Weaver, Sunforest, Vanishing Twin, Lothar & The Hand People, Bran, Donovan, HP Lovecraft, Bill Wendry & The Boss Tweeds, Nino Ferrer, Harumi, Vampires Of Dartmoore, US 69, The New Lines, The David, Eih, Damin, ALK, & Brother Clark, Andrew Brown, The Pawnshop, I Marc 4, The Sixpentz, Canterbury Music Festival, more)

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Alice Designs

An Alice In Wonderland inspired mix.
(w/ Ian Neal, Kevin Ayers, Amorphous Androgynous, Peter Howell, Broadcast, Berkeley Kites, Idle Race, Harumi, Central Nervous System, Dotti Holmberg, Boeing Duveen and the Beautiful Soup, Frumious Bandersnatch, Lubos Fiser, Angrew Loog Oldham Orchestra, The Millennium, Pink Floyd, Sugarbeats, The Association, The Explosive, The Cyrkle, Sean O'Hagan, Them, Tm Northcott, The Lemon Drops, The Mike Stuart Span, The High Llamas, The Left Banke, Olivier Bernard, Jefferson Airplane, more)

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Let's Never Leave Here

Swedish psych/folk/prog/pop.

(w/ Testbild!, Tages, Death And Vanilla, Dungen, Doris, Komeda, Pandora, Resan, Liv På Jorden, Blond, Cymbeline, Energy, Midsommar, Bo Hansson, Sten Bergman, Merit Hemmingson, Harry Nilsson, more)


Monday, June 1, 2020

Color Wheel

(w/ Tages, Kevin Ayers, The Joint Effort, Glitterhouse, The Paper Fortress, Thomas Edusin's Electric Light Bulb Band, Proof of the Pudding, Subterranean Monastery, Chrysalis, The Griffin, New Formula, Magicians, Triste Janero, Birmingham Sunday, St. John Green, The Orange Bicycle, The Network, The Smoke, Dalton & Montgomery, King Biscuit Entertainers, Beauregard Ajax, Thorinshield, more)


1. Greenfield & Cook - A Day Begins
2. Svensk - Dream Magazine
3. The Joint Effort - Mary On A Go Round
4. Moon - I Should Be Dreaming
5. Glitterhouse - Tinkerbell's Mind
6. The Paper Fortress - Sleepy Hollow People
7. Kate - Strange Girl
8. Thomas Edisun's Electric Light Bulb Band - Red Day
9. Tages - You're Too Incomprehensible
10. The Five Shy - Try To Be Happy
11. Proof Of The Pudding - Color Wheel
12. The Griffin - Murder In The Cathedral
13. Chrysalis - Dr. Root's Garden
14. Dalton & Montgomery - Blackmail
15. New Formula - Burning In The Background Of My Mind
16. Magicians - Slow Motion
17. King Biscuit Entertainers - Stormy
18. Dr. Hooker - Weather Girl
19. The Network - The Boys And The Girls
20. The Orange Bicycle - Competition
21. Beauregard Ajax - Deaf Priscilla
22. Triste Janero - A Beginning Dream
23. Subterranean Monastery - Realistic Patterns
24. Earth Island - Seasons Of Our Lives
25. Tages - Fantasy Island
26. Kevin Ayers - The Lady Rachel
27. The Mind Expanders - Cul de Sac
28. Thomas Edisun's Electric Light Bulb Band - Common Attitude
29. Thorinshield - Life Is A Dream
30. The Gordian Knot - Broken Down Old Merry-Go-Round
31. The Smoke - Self Analysis 
32. St. John Green - Spirit Of Now
33. Kevin Ayers - Soon, Soon, Soon
34. Tages - I Read You Like An Open Book
35. Birmingham Sunday - Don't Turn Around

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Mission, Continued

A couple of years ago, I wrote this post about a band called The Mission that I've seen pop up on a few obscure psych comps that were apparently sourced from a pretty rare 45 that isn't of the greatest quality.  Here are the YouTube links to those songs for reference:

I've been obsessed with these two songs for years.  I'd never heard anything quite like it.  Long story short (you can read my previous post for much more exposition on my years-long obsession and quest to figure out who these guys were) I figured out that it was Daryl Dragon of Captain & Tenille fame. Even more fun: That there were two more songs listed in the copyright filing for the two released songs.

I mentioned to my friend Mark Bowen what I'd found out and talked about the possibility of getting in touch with Mr. Dragon to ask about the other two songs listed in the copyright filing.  Mark suggested I get in touch with DJ Food, who produced the re-release of and was heavily involved in the album BFI from The Dragons, which it turns out is the same group who made up The Mission (plus a couple of musicians here and there and producers - the core group was still the Dragon brothers).  With the help of DJ Food - who had never heard of The Mission; even in his time dealing with the Dragons, it was never mentioned - we started making inquiries and then a mysterious LP under the name of Dennis Dragon appeared on Discogs. Dennis Dragon (who has his own interesting career, scoring a couple of surf films and later fronting the surf punk band the, er, Surf Punks, and was also an alumni along with Daryl of The Beach Boys in the 70s) suddenly had an album listed in Discogs as being released under the legendary ESP Disk'/West ‎label (which showed up, timing wise, it seemed, right when we inquired about The Mission, and which we found out was not actually part of their catalog and may have just been put there as a joke or fabrication) called "Me And My Brother," which had as its first side the songs recorded as The Mission along with not only the two additional songs I found in the copyright listing, but five (!!!!!), and the side B credited to Dennis alone as an apparently half hour long ambient tape loop piece, which would have put him ahead of even the likes of Brian Eno at the cutting edge of interesting, atmospheric analog synth and tape driven drones and atmospheres.  DJ Food gave me the email address of Dennis Dragon, so I emailed him.

My back and forth with Dennis was interesting to say the least.  I still have the emails; I hesitate to print any of it openly.  He was a very cool, interesting guy - one moment very wry and dryly humorous, the next, somewhat cantankerous.  Food was able to facilitate getting a copy of the LP - according to Dennis, only about 50 were in existence (though that is completely unverifiable - they were apparently pressed by Dennis, under a record label that, when I got in touch with them, had zero record of it having been pressed by them and had a completely different release with the catalog number Dennis had, which Food surmised meant Dennis, as a joke, put that label on this privately pressed record), and Dennis said he had the last one.  (Dennis - not sure if he was joking or not - was asking me to make him an offer on the LP; before I had to come up with a number, Food was able to get a copy of it from him for, I assume, no fee.)

DJ Food and I went back and forth for a while on what to do next.  The music is incredible, and it was pristine.  All that existed in the world was that 45, of which no good quality version seems to be available; I know mine is not great sound quality.  The lyrics - much of them comprised of a completely made up nonsense language, apparently Daryl's idea - were clear and able to be made out, such as they are.  The instruments are discernible.  It's AWESOME.  For a decade at least, I'd been listening to that 45.  Those two songs have turned up on multiple mixes over the years.  It was kind of glorious, and I had the idea of possibly releasing them in some form. Food was into the idea and broached the subject with Dennis. He got a negative response to say the least. (I later found out that Dennis had some very bad dealings with record companies and the idea of letting someone handle his music in that way, even something like this that he hadn't thought about in decades, was the opposite of appealing to him.) I had a rather tense exchange with him, and I backed off. I was thrilled to have this music, first and foremost, and to have solved the mystery of who this band was, and that solving it was kind of the most batshit thing - I expected it to be a handful of guys in a garage that cut a 45 in the late 60s and then went on to normal lives. I did not expect fucking Daryl Dragon from Captain & Tenille and The Dragons were the ones behind it.

Some time passed, and I thought about asking Dennis if he'd mind if I put the songs out there for other people to at least hear, because they're so amazing, I'd at least want to share them. Food was preoccupied with side B of the album, which was a half hour ambient track that, if it was recorded when Dennis said it was, would have put him ahead of Brian Eno. Food was a little skeptical and was preoccupied there. (I didn't care about that as much - it was a cool ambient track regardless of when it was actually made.)  I waited to broach the subject. One night, I got an email from Dennis in the middle of the night. It simply read, "Enjoying the tunes?" I replied in the extreme affirmative, and told him how much I loved the songs and thanked him for sending them to me and Food. He replied that it was his pleasure and he was happy to hear it.

Not long after, I heard from Mark that Dennis had killed himself, news which was eventually confirmed as it spread across Beach Boys fandom.

I didn't know him outside of our few interactions, but he was clearly a talented and cool, thoughtful guy. I was sorry to hear his demons got the best of him.  I hadn't known he was in pain.

That was a couple of years ago now. I'm still listening to these songs. The poorer sounding versions of the songs from the 45 are still on those psych comps, presumably still being heard, and no one outside of the three of us as at the time of this writing (as far as I know) knows their lineage or that there are more of them, and of such pristine quality.

And, of course, Daryl sadly passed in January of 2019.

I feel like, after all this time, I'm comfortable sharing these songs. I think they're insanely good (and just plain freaking insane - they made up their own language!) and deserve to be heard. In Dennis' (and now Daryl's) memory, I also want them to be shared. So, in all their wonderful, bizarre psychedelic garage fuzzed out glory, here is the entire recorded material of The Mission:


Perhaps at some point I'll post the sort-of "album" that I made for Dennis with the input of DJ Food which also included rare songs by The Dragons et al. I'm not sure if I want to release the ambient track Dennis did, at least not as a part of this. Perhaps one day. DJ Food might still want to do something with that one, and I don't want to step on that. I hope whoever may find this entry finds this story as fascinating as I found it as I went along, and I sincerely hope this music gets enjoyed. I may promote it further on some blogs or other places where obscure psych enthusiasts reside. In the meantime, enjoy, and raise a glass to the Dragon brothers.

-Nick Daly
May, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Holes In The Air

w/ The Heliocentrics, The Superimposers, Kaleidoscope, Broadcast, The Three Degrees, Lake Ruth, Gloria, Gwenno, The David, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Komeda, Belbury Poly, Beautify Junkyards, Vanishing Twin, Jacco Gardner, Tara King Th., Sean O'Hagan, Stereolab, Stringtronics, Sven Libaek, Doris, Chrysalis, Thomas Edisun's Electric Light Bulb Band, US 69, Hellions, Shawn Lee, ToiToiToi, Nobody, Keith Seatman, more

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pylon Bingo

w/ Plone, Listening Center, The Advisory Circle, Land Equivalents, Polypores, The Advisory Circle, Normal Brain, Belbury Poly, Concretism, Suzanne Ciani, Moon Wiring Club, ToiToiToi, Broadcast, The Dandelion Set, Jacco Gardner, Jon Brooks, Jonny Trunk, Belbury Circle & John Foxx, Geoff Bastow, Anthony Hobson, +

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


1. The Seventh Seal (Scott Walker)
2. Shadows And Reflections (Eddie Hodges)
3. Shadows (The Superimposers)
4. Peace In My Mind (Federal Duck)
5. Zzotto (Daisy Chain)
6. Sad Song (Lake Ruth)
7. Like It Never Was (Paul Vigrass)
8. So Light Is Her Footfall (Air)
9. Le Code Rural (April March)
10. A L'amitie (Aquaserge)
11. Gold Is The Colour Of Thoughts (The Smoke)
12. I'm Going Home Tomorrow (The Carnival)
13. You Go On (Bach's Lunch)
14. Ave Lucifer (Os Mutantes)
15. Prism (Beautify Junkyards)
16. Completing The Square (Guess What)
17. Dis Oui (Catharsis)
18. (Love Song) For Annie (Tangerine Peel)
19. Saccharine Lady (Principal Edwards)
20. Birds Of America (Lake Ruth)
21. Cycles (Julian's Treatment)
22. Run Spot Run (Daisy Chain)
23. Expo 2000 (Chocolate Watchband)
24. Light In The Dark (The Heliocentrics)
25. Of Broken Links (These Trails)
26. When I'm Sleeping (Out Of Focus)
27. Dreams (Mike Steiphenson)
28. Fundamental Low (Luciano Fineschi)
29. Casa Forte (Isabelle Aubret)
30. Endless Pathway (Wendy & Bonnie)
31. Would It Be Impossible (The Superimposers)
32. Brigitte (Brigitte Fontaine)
33. The Seventh Seal (The Soundcarriers)


Escape Lane

w/ Belbury Poly, Normal Brain, Brian Eno, The Advisory Circle, Broadcast, BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Delia Derbyshire, Moon Wiring Club, Plone, Pram, Monopoly Child Star Searchers, Suzanne Ciani, Steve Reich, Cavern Of Anti-Matter, Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan, Pye Corner Audio, Joel Vandroogenbroeck, Sunatirene, Simon Park, Gianni Safred, more

Thursday, February 20, 2020

There Is Now

1. Collage (The Three Degrees)
2. Trying Hard To Look Inside (Waters)
3. Take Me With You (Lyn Christopher)
4. Paint A Lady (Susan Christie)
5. Je Veux Te Dire Une Chanson (Angelillo Et Hamel)
6. I Wonder (The Bubble Gum Machine)
7. Ask Yourself Why (Michel Legrand)
8. Mobius Trip (HP Lovecraft)
9. Sylvia (Arthur Verocai)
10. October Country (October Country)
11. Feel The Spirit (Heaven & Earth)
12. Common Attitude (Thomas Edisun's Electric Light Club Band)
13. Lux (Death And Vanilla)
14. There Is Now (Euphoria)
15. Wake Up People (The Heliocentrics)
16. How I Hear You (Lake Ruth & Listening Center)
17. Living East Dreaming West (William Sheller)
18. Porto Do Sol (Edu Lobo)
19. My Own Revolution (Novi Singers)
20. Im Achtzigsten Stockwerk (Hildegard Knef)
21. Minim (Broadcast)
22. Coboclo (Arthur Verocai)
23. Theme 504 (Jean-Claude Vannier)
24. Casa Forte (Edu Lobo)
25. Beat No 3 (Ennio Morricone)
26. Il Pleut (Brigitte Fontaine)
27. Jenny (Heaven & Earth)
28. That's How The World Was Made (BJ Ward)
29. Red Day (Thomas Edisun's Electric Light Bulb Band)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Distant Call

w/ Soft Machine, Broadcast, The New Lines, Belbury Poly, The Soundcarriers, The Smoke, Silver Apples, Aquaserge, The Poppy Family, Heliocentrics, Gloria, Imitation Electric Piano, Stereolab, Second Hand, Pierre Duplan & Lee Skelly, The United States Of America, The Sound Of Feeling, Agitation Free, Isabelle Aubret, Trifle, Julian's Treatment, The Fourth Way, Peel Dream Magazine, Piero Piccioni, Sandro Brugnolini, April March & Aquaserge, more


1. In Another Room (Paul Weller)
2. Burning Wooden Ship (Heliocentrics)
3. Confusion (Randy & The Rest)
4. Stranger (Julian's Treatment)
5. No Love To Give (The United States Of America)
6. Cowboys & Indians (The Smoke)
7. Fruition (Stereolab)
8. The Child Spy (The New Lines)
9. The Far Side Of Your Mind (The Fourth Way)
10. Ancient Path (Silver Apples)
11. Evil Shadows Joe (Poppy Family)
12. Uncertainty (The Soundcarriers)
13. One Way Glass (Trifle)
14. Death May Be Your Santa Claus (Second Hand)
15. Dada Was Here (Soft Machine)
16. Dancehall No. 3 (Gloria)
17. The Arrangement (Pierre Duplan & Lee Skelly)
18. Chapel Perilous (Belbury Poly)
19. Chronicle Of A Split Foretold (Imitation Electric Piano)
20. Qi Velocity (Peel Dream Magazine)
21. Les Yeux Fermes (Aquaserge)
22. No Return Point (Piero Piccioni)
23. Malattia (Sandro Bruglioni)
24. Magic Mushrooms (Orgasmo Sonore)
25. Telekinesis (Heliocentrics)
26. Hex (The Sound Of Feeling)
27. Distant Call (Broadcast)
28. The Frog Whisperer (The New Lines)
29. Sybarite (April March & Aquaserge)
30. Parce Que (Isabelle Aubret)
31. In The Silence Of The Morning Sunrise (Agitation Free)


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Shadow And Shape

w/ Lake Ruth & Listening Center, Euphoria, Death And Vanilla, Belbury Poly, The Left Banke, The New Lines, Klaus Weiss, Broadcast, Hatfield & The North, Cosmic Analog Ensemble, Isabel Aubret, David Axelrod, Novalis, Gwenno, Deutsche Wertarbeit, Francois de Roubaix, Listening Center, The Galaxy Electric, Imitation Electric Piano, Tara King Th., Stereolab, Forever Pavot, Jacco Gardner, Missus Beastly, Sharron Kraus, The Poppy Family, Alcatraz, Bob James, Conrado, Scuderi & Montanari, David McCallum...


  1. Battle In The City (A.M. Gately)
  2. There Is Now (Euphoria)
  3. How I Hear You (Lake Ruth & Listening Center)
  4. Shadow And Shape (Death And Vanilla)
  5. Eternels Retours Du Sentiment (Cosmic Analog Ensemble)
  6. Dronsz (Novalis)
  7. Soulero (Bob James)
  8. L’envol (Tara King Th.)
  9. Pistolet Charge (Forever Pavot)
  10. Im Achtzigsten Stockwerk (Holdegard Knef)
  11. Geisha (Missus Beastly)
  12. Earth Lights (Belbury Poly)
  13. Nibble Out (Conrado, Scuderi & Montanari)
  14. Ouroboros (The New Lines)
  15. Deutscher Wald (Deutsche Wetarbeit)
  16. Lichens Today (Listening Center)
  17. Celsius Negatif (Cosmic Analog Ensemble)
  18. La Fete Des dieux Avions (Francois de Roubaix)
  19. La Secte de Surgere (Forever Pavot)
  20. The Smile (David Axelrod)
  21. City In Progress (Broadcast)
  22. To Recife (Lake Ruth)
  23. L’enquete (Tara King Th.)
  24. House of Mirrors (David McCallum)
  25. Grey Lanes (Jacco Gardner)
  26. Mort d’un Guide (Francois de Roubaix)
  27. The City Life (Piero Umiliani)
  28. Free From The City (Poppy Family)
  29. Fire Fly (The Cake)
  30. Casa Forte (Isabel Aubret)
  31. Calm Down (The Galaxy Electric)
  32. Progressive Rock (Imitation Electric Piano)
  33. Lobster in Cleavage Probe (Hatfield & The North)
  34. Where The Wild Things Are (Alcatraz)
  35. Captain Easychord (Stereolab)
  36. Constellation (Klaus Weiss)
  37. Off Axis (The New Lines)
  38. My Danger (Sharron Kraus)
  39. Dark Is The Bark (The Left Banke)
  40. Den Heb Raves (Gwenno)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Watering A Flower

Here is a mix, entitled "Watering A Flower," that never got uploaded - I don't exactly recall why I held on to it; it's a bit on the long side (even for me), and perhaps it didn't "fit" for me at the time, but I quite like it, and I hope someone else might as well too. 

Download Here.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


w/ Can, US 69, Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe & Friends, Lake Ruth, Broadcast, The Galaxy Electric, Klaatu, Vanishing Twin, Truck, Egg, Catharsis, Gwenno, Comus, Bulbous Creation, Natty Bumpo, Sean O'Hagan, Patten, Galaxy-Lin, Cosmic Analog Ensemble, Stereolab, Francois de Roubaix, Orgasmo Sonore, Death And Vanilla, more


1. 2069 A Spaced Oddity (US 69)
2. Doctor Marvello (Klaatu)
3. Lushy Life (Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe & Friends)
4. Take My Steps (Sean O'Hagan)
5. Love Beams (Patten)
6. The Greenfield Industrialist (Lake Ruth)
7. Luminosity (The Galaxy Electric)
8. Boy For Sale (Galaxy-Lin)
9. Four Notes (Cosmic Analog Ensemble)
10. Belle Montague (Francois de Roubaix)
11. A Doppa Faccia (Orgasmo Sonore)
12. Just In Time (Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe & Friends)
13. The Hum (Death And Vanilla)
14. Gus The Mynah Bird (Alt) (Stereolab)
15. Ominous Cloud (Broadcast)
16. Vitamin C (Can)
17. Cryonic Suspension (Extended Life Mix) (Vanishing Twin)
18. Surprise Surprise (Truck)
19. Palace (Catharsis)
20. A Visit To Newport Hospital (LP) (Egg)
21. Centaur (Tremblexy)
22. Les Cordes (Forever Pavot)
23. Eus Keus? (Gwenno)
24. Electropolis (Francois de Roubaix)
25. Overture Rouenllywood (Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe & Friends)
26. Theme From The Valley Of The Dolls (Natty Bumpo)
27. End Of The Page (Bulbous Creation)
28. Earth Song (Truck)
29. So Long Supernova (Comus)
30. Spoon (Can)
31. Lights Out (Broadcast)


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Be Colony

w/ Can, The Soundcarriers, Halasan Bazar, Broadcast, The New Lines, Comus, Os Mutantes, Beautify Junkyards, Vanishing Twin, The Poppy Family, Stereolab, David Axelrod, Jane Weaver, Susan Christie, HP Lovecraft, US 69, Millennium, The Mission, BJ Ward, Nancy Priddy, Bump, Beast, Earth Island, more


1. The Warning I (David Axelrod)
2. Children Ask If He Is Dead (Power)
3. Jesus H Clown (The Holy Ghost Reception Committee)
4. Wise Children (Vanishing Twin)
5. Ebony Glass (Nancy Proddy)
6. The Be Colony (Broadcast & The Focus Group)
7. Where Evil Grows (The Poppy Family)
8. The Loner (BJ Ward)
9. Paint A Lady (Susan Christie)
10. Millionenspiel (Can)
11. Seasons Of Our Lives (Earth Island)
12. Spaceman (Beast)
13. Karmic Dream Sequence #1 (Millennium)
14. Inside Out (Broadcast & The Focus Group)
15. State Of Affairs (Bump)
16. Telescope (Vanishing Twin)
17. So Beguiled (Soundcarriers)
18. Figure It Out (Halasan Bazar)
19. Conclusions (The Grodeck Whipperjenny)
20. In The Lost Queen's Eyes (Comus)
21. Mobius Trip (HP Lovecraft)
22. 2069 A Spaced Oddity (US 69)
23. I Feel The Air (Of Another Planet) (Stereolab)
24. Fly (J.K. & Co.)
25. Fuga No 2 (Beautify Junkyards)
26. Ando Meio Desligado (Os Mutantes)
27. Calmilly (The Mission)
28. The Grim Smile Of The Five Towns (The New Lines)
29. I Will Be Absorbed (Egg)
30. Agent Lateur's Gone (Halasan Bazar)
31. The Warning II (David Axelrod)
32. Libra, The Mirror's Minor Self (Broadcast & The Focus Group)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Lost Message

w/ Broadcast, Vanishing Twin, Roger Roger, Honey Ltd., Air, Mort Garson, Stereolab, Miquela, Ian Neal, Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra, Galaxy Electric, Francois de Roubaix, Orgasmo Sonore, The Poppy Family Bruce Haack, Emil Richards, Death And Vanilla, Sean O'Hagan, Bernard Estardy, Giampiero Boneschi, Bernard Fevre, Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble, M.A BEAT!, V. Geminiani, Eric Framond, more


1. Taurus: The Voluptuary (Zodiac Cosmic Sounds)
2. We've Got Time (Broadcast)
3. Lost Message (Air)
4. Ophis Le Serpentaire (V. Geminiani)
5. La Balatta Di Un Luomo Libero (Orgasmo Sonore)
6. Emerald (May) (Emil Richards)
7. Le Robot Casse (Eric Framond)
8. Kosmos (Thomas Luck)
9. Xylo Spleen (Eddie Warner)
10. Rough Sketch (Giampiero Boneschi)
11. Walking In The Dark (Remix) (Stefano Torossi)
12. Nautilus Journey (Guy & Zeb Remix) (Jack Arel)
13. Artifice Percussion (Bernard Estardy)
14. Velvet Clouds (Roger Roger)
15. Multi-Kolored Mini-Skirts (Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra)
16. Forget Every Time (Broadcast)
17. Tante Zita (Francois de Roubaix)
18. I'll See You There (Poppy Family)
19. Love, The Devil (Honey Ltd.)
20. Naught More Terrific Than Man (Stereolab)
21. Million Dollar Mermaid (Vanishing Twin)
22. Widow (M.A BEAT! w/ Galaxy Electric)
23. Better Lull Bear (Sean O'Hagan)
24. Cosmic Rays (Bernard Fevre)
25. Mild Maniac (Peter Patzer)
26. The Woman With The Invisible Necklace (Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble)
27. Citadel (Ian Neal)
28. Requiem (Bruce Haack)
29. Ordinateurs (Eric Framond)
30. Schluss (Gunther Fischer)
31. Vespertine (Death And Vanilla)
32. Papercuts (Black Session) (Broadcast)
33. Tu E Leu (Miquela)